At VFCCA, we are working passionately to create a brighter future for both childcare providers and parents. We are delighted to introduce our VFCCA Advocacy Team, a group of committed individuals who work tirelessly to advocate for the future of family child care.

Wondering what advocacy is and how it impacts your world? We've curated a selection of informative videos and insightful interviews just for you. It's not only about policies and regulations; it's about how these policies influence you and your family. Join us on this journey of fostering a positive and enriching childcare experience for all.

VFCCA's Advocacy - Empowering Childcare Providers An Inspiring Conversation with Clarissa Doutherd

VFCCA’s Advocacy – Empowering Childcare Providers: An Inspiring Conversation with Clarissa Doutherd

Our association’s advocacy team had the privilege of interviewing Clarissa Doutherd, who serves as the Executive Director of Parent Voices Oakland, a chapter of Parent Voices California located in the East Bay. Clarissa is a dedicated advocate who has tirelessly championed the cause of women like herself who have been adversely affected by inadequate public policies. Her unwavering commitment and passion make her an invaluable source of inspiration for all childcare providers. We are thrilled to share this insightful interview with you, where Clarissa shares her experiences and perspectives on the challenges facing childcare providers.

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